A webinar titled "A Special Resilient Housing Primer" airs Thursday, April 5, 2 p.m. EST.
Given the recent changes in our climate, weather patterns, and rising sea levels, it’s essential that we craft an effective resilient building strategy—swiftly—in order to keep our homes and buildings safe and protected.
Join Green Builder Media editor in chief Matt Power in a webinar as he explores important strategies, best practices, and essential products for increasing the resiliency of our built environment. In this webinar, Power will provide insight into building flaws and their solutions, areas of concern, and resilient products.
About the Presenter:  As a veteran reporter, Matt Power has covered virtually every aspect of design and construction. His award-winning articles often tackle tough environmental challenges in a way that makes them relevant to both professionals and end users. An expert on both building science and green building, he has a long history of asking hard questions--and adding depth and context as he unfolds complex issues.