I often get out in the field to visit clients and prospects, or to work industry trade shows, and the first question always asked of me is, “How do you find workers these days?”

My reply (in jest) is “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”  

Actually, I am happy to share with you the secrets of success that I have learned in my 15 years as a marketer in the industrial staffing industry.  

Of course, with the work experience I have, this is still the first pandemic through which I have lived. None of us have planned for the changes in the workplace that have happened. Workers have taken this opportunity to re-evaluate what they want to do in work and life. Time itself has become more valuable. As a marketer for a temporary staffing company, I have often said, that everything in life is temporary. Including a “permanent” job, or even life itself.  

Baby Boomers are retiring earlier than planned. Those of younger generations are changing careers. Workers are looking for jobs that either pay better or offer improved perks. The landscape of the workforce has really changed.


Some Things Never Change

 One thing that has not changed is basic marketing principles. Job seekers, both passive and non-passive, are inundated with more marketing messages that they can retain. If you want to hire, you must go where the potential workers are, get your message to them in a manner they like to receive it, do so repeatedly, and have an offer that is appealing to them. For the first time I can remember, demand for workers has enabled them to have the power to be more discriminating than ever when deciding what work they would like to do.

That being said, you must get your hiring message out to the places where your potential hires are. Here is some of the places I use:

Job Boards

Job boards, such as Indeed, Career Builder or Monster, will get your position out to the masses. Unfortunately, as demand for these boards has increased, so has the cost to post.

Social Media

Social media sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and even TikTok, are places to find workers. Unfortunately, if you do not have a huge following built-up, you will have to use paid advertising here to get you message seen. Specific groups for trades may yield better results within social media platforms.

Your Website

Does your company’s website offer a page to post job openings in your company? Does anyone know about it? This is a wonderful place to post your open positions; however, make certain that you have invested in SEO (search engine optimization) or else nobody will see it there.


It has been said “Birds of a feather, flock together.” The same can be said about great workers. If you have great employees, offer a bonus if they refer someone they know to work for your company.

Job Fairs

There are many job fairs in the community, often run by private or government entities that you can join in. Just make certain they are staffed by the person who can best represent your company. Have appropriate signage to get attendees attention. And always have plenty of fun give-away items to draw them in and remember you by. Of course, if your hiring needs are great, you can host your own job fair.

Mass Messaging

Emails or SMS (text) messaging will get your message out but only if you have the lists compiled of who to send these to. I am not a fan of purchasing lists that contain recipients that have “opted-in.” I use my own lists that I am certain contain those who have indeed agreed to receive my messages.

Other Advertising

There are numerous advertising methods that may be appropriate for your hiring message. This can be expensive, so make certain to use the most appropriate advertising vehicle. Options can include billboards (stationary or mobile), bus top benches or shelters, signage on transport vehicles (buses, subways, Uber/Lyfts), radio, television and much more.

So, now you have my secrets. As you can see (or imagine) doing all this, doing it properly and frequently is not simple or quick. This is why the staffing industry exists. Staffing firms handle staffing all day, every day, so our clients can do what they do best. Good luck and happy hiring.